AU  - G., Wang S.
AU  - X., Li
AU  - J., Han X.
AU  - R., Jin
PY  - 2011
DA  - 2011//
TI  - Estimation of surface soil moisture and roughness from multi-angular ASAR imagery in the Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research (WATER)
JO  - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
VL  - 15
IS  - 139
AB  - Radar remote sensing has demonstrated its applicability to the retrieval ofbasin-scale soil moisture. The mechanism of radar backscattering from soilsis complicated and strongly influenced by surface roughness. Additionally,retrieval of soil moisture using AIEM (advanced integrated equationmodel)-like models is a classic example of underdetermined problem due to alack of credible known soil roughness distributions at a regional scale.Characterization of this roughness is therefore crucial for an accuratederivation of soil moisture based on backscattering models. This study aimsto simultaneously obtain surface roughness parameters (standard deviation ofsurface height σ and correlation length cl) along with soil moisturefrom multi-angular ASAR images by using a two-step retrieval scheme based onthe AIEM. The method firstly used a semi-empirical relationship that relatesthe roughness slope, Zs ( Zs = σ<sup>2</sup>/cl) and the difference inbackscattering coefficient (Δσ) from two ASAR images acquiredwith differen...
SN  - 1607-7938
ID  - G.2011
ER  -